• Furry Friends Feature: How to Help When Your Best Friend is Lonely | Williamsburg Yorktown Daily

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:31:19

    Those same big round eyes that made you melt and welcome them to your family can easily turn to panic when left alone, which might be separation anxiety in your dog or cat. The Heritage Humane Society shares signs and symptoms of separation and its best practices for helping keep your best fri

  • Get a Litter Mat to Keep Your Cat’s Litter in the Box and Off Your Floors

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:31:14

    Cats basically arrive into this world already trained to use a litter box. They don’t, however, come trained on how to wipe their paws afterward and avoid traipsing sandy litter box granules all over your home. Your cat’s paws touch many things in your home before and after they use the ba

  • Keeping cool | Columbia Basin Herald

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:30:41

    Jack Gilbert aims a stream of water at a pig in the swine barn at the Grant County Fair Wednesday. Triple-digit temperatures require exhibitors to watch their animals closely.

  • How Much Does It Cost To Add A Chicken Coop To Your Home?

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:30:33

    Raising your own chickens has multiple benefits, Stromberg's Chicks and Game Birds says. If you're looking for a more sustainable lifestyle, raising chickens is an excellent step in the right direction. It reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are emitted into the air as products

  • Nine ways to help your cat stay hydrated when it's hot - Essex Magazine

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:30:06

    As parts of the UK get set to experience four days of extreme temperatures, our cats will not only be feeling hot and bothered – they’re also at more risk of heatstroke. And it is flat faced breeds, such as Persians, who are most susceptible.

    Drinking plenty of water is an easy a

  • Pet Supplies Plus Shares Tips on How to Keep Your Pet Hydrated - OnFocus

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:29:58

    MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – “Hot enough for you?” When temperatures reach the point where people are tempted to say things like this, the summer weather has now officially become a health hazard.

    Dogs and cats can’t cool down their body temperatures as easily as people can, so

  • Aldi Specialbuys top picks, August 18: Baby and pet essentials | Metro News

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:29:44


    Aldi has a number of offers in the middle aisle every week – called Specialbuys.

    From egg chairs to bedding, and fire pits to gin, there are always some great deals to be found.

    If you’re planning ahead to visit the iconic middle aisle – o

  • Kitty wants to go outside? How to build a catio

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:28:58

    A patio just for cats

    Q: I want to build a catio for my two cats. Do you have any design tips?

    A: Your cats are lucky to have such a thoughtful owner. They're likely to enjoy their outdoor space, if you consider these things:

    Have a pet question? Send it to askpetconnection@g

  • The Twisted Whisker is where cat lovers can gather

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:28:30

    On a honeymoon trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee, a few years ago, Marcie Harper and her husband, Connor, came upon a cat cafe.

    Her expectations raised and curiosity peaked, she was eager to take a look.

    “We passed a sign that said ’30 cats inside’ in all caps and an arrow, and

  • A Pair of Cat Brothers Race Each Other to the Food Bowl Every Time the Automatic Feeder Buzzes

    by admin on 2022-08-20 07:28:13

    A pair of fuzzy feline brothers named Frankie and Theo adorably race each other to the food bowl every time the automatic feeder buzzes.

    They’re definitely food obsessed. The second that the kibble drops, they would just go sprinting kind of like a Tokyo Drift race car style.