You're thirsty and want a drink. But are any Denver water fountains working? - Denverite, the Denver site!

2022-07-30 05:33:23 By : Ms. April -DC Silicone

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Turns out, some are. Here’s where you can quench your thirst.

If you’ve raced through town in recent years, you’ve probably found yourself bringing your own water with you, filling up in business bathrooms, or spending precious money on fluids. Water fountains have been in short supply.

And on hot days like the city is seeing this summer, that’s a big deal — for runners, bikers and pedestrians. Unhoused people have a particularly tough time staying hydrated. Transit riders, too.

“Drinking fountains in our parks were turned off at the end of the summer season in 2019 and weren’t turned back on in 2020 or 2021 due to the pandemic,” said Denver Parks and Recreation spokesperson Cynthia Karvaski.

Three years without running water left some of those fountains in bad shape, and many needed repairs.

Of the 133 drinking fountains in the city, just 82 were currently on as of mid-June. Over 40% of the city’s water fountains aren’t working — and some aren’t coming back any time soon.

Currently, neither  Mestizo-Curtis Park nor Cheesman Park’s drinking fountains are operational. Happily, City Park, Washington Park, Civic Center Park and Commons Park all have functional fountains. Ruby Hill Park’s drinking fountains are hit or miss, as are Sloan’s Lake.

“Twenty-one will remain off this season due to vandalism, not up to code, in an area under construction, or being removed,” wrote Karvaski, in an email. “Twenty-eight have a work-order in place for repair.”

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