What to do about litterbox problems? – Red Bluff Daily News

2022-05-21 16:09:03 By : Ms. nina wu

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Lately, I have been receiving questions regarding kittens and cats not using a litter box.

Let’s begin with kittens. Very young kittens need to be stimulated to eliminate, and will not start using a box until they are about 3–4 weeks old. Most babies learn in the same way, by putting everything into their mouth. So, when you place a litter box in their area, fill it with safe non-clumping pellet-type cat litter, or shredded newspaper. Clumping litter creates problems in little tummies and should not be used with young kittens. It helps to provide dry kitten food so the kittens can chew on food, and not litter.

For the box, use an open-top, shallow pan that is easy for them to walk into and out of until they are older. When teaching a kitten to use a litter box, place the wipes you use to stimulate, plus any feces you have available, in the box so they are drawn to the smell. If the kitten uses an area outside of the box, immediately clean and disinfect the area to avoid another scent marking. However, if a kitten is frequently using the same alternative location, place a litter box there. Ideally, a kitten learning to use a box should be confined to one room for them to easily find the box at all times.

For cats, before trying anything else, be sure to have kitty checked out by a veterinarian to eliminate possible health issues. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common problem, and cause. Like humans, cats also get cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder, which causes a sense of urgency to urinate. This urgency can cause a cat to eliminate outside the litter box. Bladder stones or a blockage may also cause frequency. Other medical circumstances that can contribute to litter box avoidance are diabetes, arthritis, and bowel issues. Once your feline gets a clean bill of health, it is time to figure out what else is going on.

A cat’s sense of smell is fourteen times stronger than a human’s olfactory sense. One can only imagine what it would be like for feline to use a stinky box. Also, in the wild, predators locate prey by tracking scent. A dirty box, to your cat, is a beacon for predators. Do the kitty a favor and keep the box clean. Scoop out waste products at least daily, more if more than two cats are using it (especially if the box is undersized). Scrub the box with warm soapy water regularly, avoiding scented cleaners since your cat could develop an intense dislike for any lingering aroma.

Some cats are perfectly content and do not care what type of box it is (covered or uncovered), how many boxes or cats there are, where the boxes are located, or what type of litter is used. Other cats are a great deal more persnickety and, for reasons known only to them, the current set-up is not their ideal. But, if your cat was content with the way things were before you decided to change the brand of litter, or the box location, or its size, etc., and the cat is now not using it, the simplest solution is to change everything back to the way it was.

Unfortunately, whatever the reason, once a cat shuns his litter box it can become a chronic problem because he then develops an alternative preference for where to go to the bathroom. The following are some suggestions to assist in getting your feline friend back to using his box. Make the inappropriate areas less appealing — aluminum foil or sticky tape covering the areas is an effective deterrent. If kitty soils in just a few spots, place a litter box in each spot. If that is not feasible, place food and water dishes there, because cats do not like to eliminate near where they eat or drink.

Be sure to clean any accidents immediately, and thoroughly, with an enzymatic cleanser designed to neutralize pet odors. Cats are attracted back to any area where they have already done their business and the odor leads the way. Since urine also contains ammonia, do not clean accidents with any ammonia-based products. You might also consider using a repellent spray after the area has been cleaned. I have found “Four Paws Keep Off Indoor/Outdoor Cat & Kitten Repellent” to be an effective deterrent.

Move the box to a new location, or add more boxes at various other locales. Choose spots that ensure that the box is in a convenient, unhindered area so the animal can use it without difficulty. Once a location is established, avoid changing it. Choosing a litter type will be a “trial and error” process. Cats generally prefer unscented clumping litter with a medium to fine texture, placed one to two inches deep within the box, but offer various types in boxes placed side by side in order for the animal to show its own preference.

Change is incredibly stressful on a cat and can lead to soiling outside the litter box. Consequently, try to keep the animal’s routine as predictable as possible. If you cannot eliminate the source of the stress, try to reduce it by using a synthetic pheromone calming spray.

Hopefully, with a few simple adjustments, your cat will overcome any litter box avoidance issues it has.

Ronnie Casey has been volunteering with the Tehama County Animal Care Center since relocating in 2011. A retired R.N., she strives to help animals in need within Tehama county. She can be reached at rmcredbluff@gmail.com.

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