Easy Ways to Keep Your Dog and Other Pets Cool on Hot Days | Greener Ideal

2022-09-24 07:39:53 By :

It’s no secret that hot days can be tough on our furry friends. The hot weather can affect their health and even lead to dangerous conditions like heatstroke.

But don’t worry; you can do plenty of things to keep your pet cool and comfortable all summer long. Here are five easy, proven ways to keep your dog and other pets cool on scorching days:

Ensure your pet has access to fresh, clean water. This is especially important on hot days. Dogs and cats are more likely to drink if they have access to fresh water that’s been changed regularly.

Fill up their water bowl before leaving for work or errands, and check it often to ensure it hasn’t been emptied. A few ways to encourage your pets to drink more water include:

Add some flavor. Dogs and cats can be tempted to drink more water if you add a little bit of low-sodium chicken or beef broth to their bowl. You can also try adding a few slices of fruit or vegetables like cucumber or melon.

Invest in a pet fountain. Pets are often attracted to moving water, so a pet fountain can be a great way to encourage them to drink more. Plus, it’s a great way to keep their water cool and refreshing.

Take them for frequent walks. Getting plenty of exercise helps your pet stay cool and makes them thirsty, so they’ll be more likely to drink when they return home.

If your pet enjoys water, take them for a swim on hot days. This is an excellent way to help them cool off and have some fun at the same time. Ensure you supervise them at all times, as even good swimmers can get tired or into trouble in the water.

However, remember a few things before taking your pet to swim.

First, is your dog comfortable around water? Some dogs are natural swimmers and adore the water, while others fear it. If your dog is uncomfortable or afraid of water, it’s critical to take things slowly and let them get used to it at their own pace.

You’ll also need to ensure your dog wears the proper safety gear where necessary. This includes a life jacket or vest that fits properly and is rated for your dog’s size and weight.

Ensure the body of water is safe for both you and your dog. Avoid areas with strong currents or undertows and stagnant water that could be contaminated.

Also, keep a close eye on your dog while swimming and keep them within your sight at all times. Lastly, bring plenty of fresh water for your dog to drink after swimming, as swimming can dehydrate.

There are unique cooling collars and bandanas made for pets. These collars are typically soaked in water and wrapped around the animal’s neck. Water evaporation from the band helps to cool the animal down.

The cooling bands, usually made of a cooling fabric such as Pva, help draw heat away from the animal’s body.

They can be wrapped around the dog’s neck or placed on other pulse points, such as the inside of the thighs. As the fabric cools, it helps to lower the body temperature and provide relief from the heat.

Pets can suffer from heat stroke just like humans can, so it’s essential to take steps to keep them cool on hot days. Cooling bands and bandanas can be a lifesaver, so it’s always a good idea to have them on hand during the hot summer months.

When the temperature outdoors is at its hottest, keep your pet indoors where it’s cooler. If possible, stay in an air-conditioned room or put a fan in their favorite spot.

Cooling mats are designed to help pets stay cool in warm weather. They work by absorbing your pet’s body heat and releasing it into the air. Many pets enjoy lying on cooling mats, which can make a big difference on hot days.

These simple tips can help your pet stay cool and comfortable all summer and on other hot days.

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